Imagine a florist only sold roses or a fishmonger just salmon. The same goes for impact. Too often advice is biased and solution-mapping narrowed to what the 'advisor' wants or needs to sell. We are unbiased, honest and transparent. We listen to the needs of partners, challenge thinking to inspire ambition and showcase what is really possible to meet set impact goals. Deploying proven experience and decision making frameworks, to create and curate truly impactful programmes.
Baking a cake is about more than just flour, it takes ingredients, a recipe and confidence. Being impactful is more than just focusing on one reported metric like 'carbon' or 'people impacted'. We map your impact goals, identify relationships and weave multiple impact outcomes into a single project and programme (CLIMATE + NATURE + COMMUNITY...). We are independent to choose and collaborate with the right partner to deliver your custom impact requirements globally. We prioritise urgent action to tackle our climate, biodiversity and socio-economic crises.
Being an Olympian is not the only way to participate in sports, there are national, local, community, amateur and professional clubs, leagues and more. The same for impact. There is not just 'one' right solution. We understand the systems, frameworks, standards, methodologies, tools and products that make up the tapestry of impact financing. We align the right approach for the target impact and ensure credible action is taken, measured, reported and communicated.
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